Changing reading habits and methodological options resulting from digital transformation
The love of reading is an indispensable condition for the cultural development of nations. Children’s habits when gaining information have changed, which has affected their relationship to reading, thus it is important to search for such solutions and supporting systems which enhance the popularisation of reading, and which support the interpretation of the content read. The paper presents such digital applications suitable for sharing the reading experience that can be used not only within the frames of formal classes, but in non-formal education as well. Libraries can motivate students with the applications, and by utilising the new possibilities, students will be more open to acquire knowledge and they will be more ambitious to experience reading. The article analyse which is the most innovative option: a share interface created with the intention of self-study, or the institutional initiatives to analyse a particular work of literature? Shall we encourage students to write blogs, or should they capture a particular moment of the work in a computerised graphic format? Will an analysis in a tag cloud shed light onto the most important elements, or should the experience be conveyed through moving pictures? The paper presents concrete feasibility options and analyse them based on their practical benefits.
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