The Implementation of Projects which Develop Both Soft and Interdisciplinary Skills Using Micro:bit

  • Zsolt Námesztovszky University of Novi Sad Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty
  • Orsolya Boros University of Novi Sad Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty
Keywords: micro:bit, digital competencies, soft skills, projects


In our work, we have focused primarily on implementing projects for primary school pupils. These projects help develop digital competencies and skills called soft skills. Micro: bit devices, along with the associated online development environment, form a transparent digital ecosystem, which links the hardware and code seamlessly. This allows for increased ease of use and a faster learning curve, with the interface continually updating in the browser. When building a project for these tools, success is almost guaranteed. As such, we get an educational process which engages students in a rewarding activity, through which communication and teamwork skills are fostered, while also developing their digital competencies.

How to Cite
Námesztovszky, Z., & Boros, O. (2019). The Implementation of Projects which Develop Both Soft and Interdisciplinary Skills Using Micro:bit. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 9(2), 42-51.
Articles and Studies