Correlation between instruction time and student’s school attitude: Albania vs European Countries
The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between curriculum instruction time and student' school attitude. A mixed research approach was used in the study. The random-cluster samples of students, teachers, principals, and curriculum specialists were selected to be used in the research. The qualitative approach, including a review of official documentation as well as interviewing, was used to support a quantitative approach in the study. The descriptive analysis and a bivariate correlation statistic were used for the processing of data, and the inductive open coding and the typology techniques were used to analyse the qualitative data. It is found that there are differences in instruction time between European countries and Albania. At the same time, the results showed that there is a relatively non-adequate student's school attitude in lower secondary education. The study demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between curriculum instruction time and the students' school attitude. It is one of a very small number of studies in curriculum instruction time to provide such results.
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