Open space preferences of schoolchildren on school grounds
School grounds not only provide place for play, sport, and resting, but also function as sites for learning and environmental education. They serve as the objects of observation, and in case of proper design, through natural play they may be able to strengthen children’s relationship with nature. Nowadays the significance of school grounds are more and more recognized, thus it is increasingly important to pay attention to its landscape design as well. The aim of the study is to observe and analyse the open space preferences of schoolchildren, in order to be able to design child-friendly school grounds, aligned to the needs of children. 131 pupils of three primary schools participated in the study: their task was to answer questions (by drawing or writing) regarding their use of and their favourite places in the school grounds. The main finding is that although sport activities are the most popular among children (especially among boys), the most common favourite places are green areas without special function, suitable for free, natural play. Therefore, in the design process of school grounds, besides sport fields and playgrounds, it is important to pay attention to such green areas as well.
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