Comparative analysis of the methods of teaching geography in different types of schools

  • Sándor Rajmond Simonyi Eszterházy Károly University, Institute of Geography and Environmental Sciences
  • Erika Homoki Eszterházy Károly University
Keywords: geography teachers; practical experience and solutions; type of school; attitude


As an entrant teacher, it has been a major issue for us to identify the problems and circumstances of teaching geography in various schools. We have been interested in the opinion of teachers about the state of education, their practical experience and solutions. As part of our research, lessons were observed in five different types of schools and semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers afterward. We complemented these with an online survey which was filled out by 122 geography teachers throughout the country. A diagnostic measurement and an attitude research took place in the monitored classes, where the sample included 131 people. Mostly close-ended questions were applied where Likert Scale types were significant in order to analyse the results of the survey more efficiently. The results of the diagnostic tests did not indicate significant difference. However; the survey denoted that applying diverse methods results in acquiring a deeper knowledge. Furthermore, not the type of the school, but the personality of the teacher was the most determining in knowledge transfer and student activity during class.


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How to Cite
Simonyi, S. R., & Homoki, E. (2020). Comparative analysis of the methods of teaching geography in different types of schools. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 10(3), 104-114.
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