Environmental education contents in textbooks and output regulators for high school education

  • György Kónya Diósgyőri Gimnázium
Keywords: environmental esucation; requirements of school-leaving examination; textbook study;


Development of learners’ environmentally conscious attitude is important today, and a common task for all subjects and teachers. The purpose of our investigation was to assess the proportions in which environmental knowledge is represented in the requirements of school-leaving examinations for secondary education in science subjects and textbooks. The question is: to what extent do recently-published textbooks meet the requirements of the school leaving exams and where could textbook content be extended to include sections on environmental education? Of all the secondary level science textbooks it is the geography books that contain the most content on environmental education and it is the ninth year geography book that best exploits the opportunities offered by environmental education. 

How to Cite
Kónya, G. (2018). Environmental education contents in textbooks and output regulators for high school education. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 8(1), 36-51. https://doi.org/10.24368/jates.v8i1.22
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