Individual learning is predicted by teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, and lecturer-students interaction
The study aimed to investigate the relationship between teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, lecturer-students interaction, and individual learning of art master students at the university. A quantitative approach was the method used in the research. The correlational research design was used. The first and second-year master's students of an art university were selected to be used in the study. An online questionnaire was used to gather the primary data. The study found that 56.2% of the variance of individual learning is explained by teaching management. It is found a high positive correlation between lecturer-students relationship climate and individual learning variables (r = .552). The study also found that 56.4% of the variance of individual learning is explained by lecturer-students interaction. The findings of the study enhanced theoretical and practical understanding as teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, and lecturer-students interaction are important variables that impact individual learning. impact individual learning.
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