Students' knowledge of hunting and game management and the main game species in Hungary

  • Helga Mesterházy Soproni Egyetem
  • Mónika Hoschek
Keywords: pedagogical students; hunting; game management; comparison


Within the institutional framework, the kindergarten teacher first provides the preschool generation with knowledge, thus preparing them for primary school. It is their job to provide children with authentic knowledge. There are several topics that children have little knowledge about - such as hunting, game management, and our main game species, which would be important for the younger generation to know about, as these topics are part of our everyday lives. Village existence and socialization full of experiences presuppose general knowledge of the subject under study. In our research, we sought to answer the question of whether there is a difference between the knowledge of rural and urban pedagogical students in the field of hunting, game management, and the main game species in Hungary. The results were processed with the SPSS statistical program. We concluded that there is no difference between the knowledge of the studied groups, so the near-natural village existence does not contribute to more and more accurate knowledge in the studied area.

How to Cite
Mesterházy, H., & Hoschek, M. (2022). Students’ knowledge of hunting and game management and the main game species in Hungary. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 12(2), ArtNo: 305.
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