Artificial intelligence, creativity and education: finding a new perspective
This review study aims to clarify the relationship between creativity development and artificial intelligence in education. Although this is a media-emphasised topic and individual technology projects (ChatGPT, Dalee-2, Midjourney) are part of educational activities, a more comprehensive analysis of the specific emphasis on creativity still needs to be provided. The study's novelty lies in synthesising current knowledge and forming recommendations about the relationship between creativity and AI in education. The study analyses 16 documents from the Web of Science database and, based on these, identifies six broad categories for critical reflection on the phenomenon of educational practice: the need to rethink the educational environment, goals and objectives, the emphasis on AI literacy, the focus on topics related to the future and its problems, the importance of developing theoretical conceptualisation of problems and abstract models in the curriculum, the connection with computational thinking, and the integration into the whole curriculum instead of isolated courses.
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