Preliminary examination of potential motifs of ecological origin as identity elements in an adult group, Hungary

  • Reka Konczey Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development, Eszterhazy Karoly University
  • Katalin Czippán National University for Public Service
Keywords: ecological identity, ; ecological motifs, local natural environment, cultural ecosystem services


The motifs (notions and concepts, in their psychosocial sense,) that make up the ecological identity and the other components of identity have been studied for two decades in several countries. We present a preliminary set of those potential motifs of ecological identity formation that come from the Carpathian landscape and landscape-related symbols. The elements of ecological identity of an adult group of Hungarian citizens, namely public administrators from all over the country, interested in learning for sustainable development have been collected by exploring the details of their potential set of motifs with local natural environmental content. Correlations of these potential motifs with ecosystem services were examined as well.

Potential or effective ecological motifs originating in the natural environment, in the local ecosystem of a group of adult learners were found to be mainly sensual notions. Old school or family excursions were also very common; as well as the fixation of imaginations and feelings belonging to memories of recreational sites. Well-known, frequently visited tourist sites are also reflected in ecological motifs. Concerning ecosystem services, the ecosystem elements that give an aesthetic sensation (namely, the cultural ecosystem services) are the most common and the strongest.

Encoding and seriating this set of ecological motifs serve to design a structured survey in the future. The examination of potential or actual ecological motifs of ecological identity, their formation and fixation can provide another point of reference in all areas of sustainability education, especially in environmental education, in global education, but also in aesthetic and moral education.

How to Cite
Konczey, R., & Czippán, K. (2019). Preliminary examination of potential motifs of ecological origin as identity elements in an adult group, Hungary. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 9(1), 5-16.
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