New methodological possibilities in digital training

  • Brigitta Balazs Eszterhazy Károly University
Keywords: Keywords: electronic learning environment; digital competence; virtual classroom


Digital competence is one of the most fundamental competences both in education and the labor market, due to rapidly changing info-communication technologies. The income of professions without the need of basic ICT tools ranges from the living wage to the guaranteed minimum wage, so digital training is essential during the training. The goal of developing digital literacy is to use ICT tools consciously and to enhance critical thinking. In a changing learning environment, the net-generation “demands” a new paradigm shift in pedagogy. Virtual classrooms are essential for the development of digital competence, due to the expectation of the bottom-up Z- and Alpha generations and the top-down labour market pressure.

How to Cite
Balazs, B. (2020). New methodological possibilities in digital training. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 10(1), 133-154.
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