Light pollution as environmental problem appearance in national core curriculum and in other educational documents

  • Anna Apró Eszterházy Károly Egyetem



The paper presents the elaboration of light pollution environmental problems, the partial results of which can be seen in the National Core Curriculum (2020) (NCC in the following) i.e. the most relevant content of pedagogy in Hungary. Concepts related to the topic rarely appear in the analysed documents. The unified structure of the topic, the exploration of the causes and consequences of light pollution, and the students' understanding of their role are equally missing. In the course of this approach, efficient lighting can be introduced and cost-effective methods can be developed. We have sought out professional workshops on research topics that, due to their current activities, contribute to the integration of light pollution into education.The study presents some of the key elements of the National Core Curriculum. The first part describes the content regulation and regulation levels of school education, the learning and educational goals, the principles of learning and teaching, and the educational stages. The second half of the description deals with competence development, learning areas and knowledge contents. During the characterization, issues related to light pollution also appear.


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