Investigation of the effect of an environmental education package at school age

  • Anna Krakker Eszterházy Károly University


TThe article is focusing on how the application of an environmental educational package affected 3rd and 5th-grade students' relation to environment, nature and well-being. The possibilities of developing environmental awareness using an environmental education package based on experience- centred learning techniques is being demonstrated by the results of annual assessments. The effectiveness of the environmental educational package was investigated by a longitudinal study what compared the result of a study group against a control group. The performance of 3rd-grade participants of 2016/17 were compared to their own results in 5th grade in 2018/19. The result demonstrates the effectiveness of experience-based, differentiated environmental-awareness education within the scope of everyday learning. That there are significant differences in specific areas of knowledge between the study group and the control group. Among the examined topics the group utilizing the education package outperformed the control groups over a long timeframe. Experience-based methods are shown to be beneficial based on their utilization and tracking of the results.

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