Measuring inhabitants’ knowledge on technical features and physiological effects of light pollution

  • János Mika Eszterházy Károly University
  • Anna Apró
  • Szabolcs Balogh
  • Mónika Hankovszki
  • Alex Kertész
  • Richárd Novák
  • István Pintér
  • László Sütő


Light pollution is a new environmental challenge. We emit more light than necessary, and this is often done at wavelengths that are disturbing and even harmful to human health. In this situation, Dark Sky Parks, where there are no artificial light sources that burden the environment, have been established. Two of these parks are located in BAZ County, near Répáshuta, and in Hajdú-Bihar County, near Hortobágy. The present study reports on a questionnaire survey conducted in Répáshuta and in Hortobágy, inhabitants of which are informed about light pollution, and in Cserépváralja and Újszentmargita villages, located near the previous pair of settlements, not directly warned about the problem. With a direct on-site survey, we asked 21 questions to over 30-41 persons in the four settlements, and received answers taking full account of anonymity of the respondents. Recruitment took place in April-May, 2019 and November-January, 2020. The questions of the questionnaire are focused on the effects of lighting, the lighting habits, the relation of responding persons to the stellated sky, and additional knowledge on energy saving. The survey took place between November 2019 and January 2020. In the present study we have space for detailed presentation of eight questions.



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Cikkek és Tanulmányok