The role of quality assessment in higher education and its impact on student performance and interest in studies
In the age of demonstrated outcomes assessment and changing technologies, it is necessary to incorporate quality assessment in higher education academic programs to ensure pedagogical outcomes. Innovative quality assessment is a tool, when utilized, that can provide data to inform educational approaches ensuring outcomes consistent with students’ perceived outcomes as the use of a digital platform become increasing common in the delivery of higher education. This paper focuses on the benefits of higher education quality assessment and the importance to students and other stakeholders, especially as the delivery is trending more digital. The approach to innovative quality evaluation and system of quality development is crucial to achieve competitiveness of every higher education institution. It allows for sustainable growth and development of skilled and motivated graduates to join current and future workforce to support development of society, nationally and internationally. The paper aims to identify factors that determine quality education as perceived by students and the importance of the pursuit of education impacting personal and professional development in light of the shifting digital modalities. Significant factors influencing quality perception by students are presented and included some of the following: practicing; open and discussing teachers; subject extent; and focus on newcomers. These factors are also linked to the impact on development of students’ independent skills and the ability to expand knowledge specific to the field of business, thus ensuring quality outcomes.
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