The impact of digitalisation and especially social media on learning, teaching and working processes

  • Geoffrey Vaughan Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
  • Tünde Lengyelné Molnár Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
  • Zoltán Szűts Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
Keywords: social media, world of work, education, ICT


This study examines the impact of social media on teaching and learning and on the world of work. By way of introduction, the authors will summarise the characteristics of digitalisation, the nature of the internet and social media in particular, and they will discuss the phenomena that have emerged in the information society and that are having an increasing impact on the world of learning and work. These include being always online, the visual turn, multitasking in two senses, a shortened attention span, the fear of missing out, the transformation of human memory use, the strengthening of creative processes, the experience of flow, rapid orientation, greater autonomy or even the ability to live with mistakes. These processes are leading to the emergence of the concept of creative disruption of technology, which is now being understood beyond the economy and into education.

How to Cite
Vaughan, G., Lengyelné Molnár, T., & Szűts, Z. (2022). The impact of digitalisation and especially social media on learning, teaching and working processes. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 12(2), ArtNo: 306.
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