Proctoring as a journey to quality education? A critical review of the literature

  • Michal Černý Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • Dominika Solcova Masaryk University, Czech Republic


The paper aims to analyse the current professional discourse and to map the current views and attitudes of proctoring online exam formats across the globe. The entire theoretical delineation focuses mainly on college or university formats. We introduce the international context in the first part and then discuss the analysis of the texts found in the review study at Scopus and Web of Science databases. The study results in a comprehensive summary of the positive and negative implementation aspects of proctoring. We also reach a new categorisation of the different methods used to control proctoring online exams. The study should provide synthesising findings with easy applicability. Our results may be valuable for educational institutions or others interested in online learning and online proctoring processes, not only when considering implementation.

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