The emergence of environmental education and sustainability education in the upper grades of primary school from the perspective of the students

  • Brigitta Szászi Mezőkövesdi Primary School
  • Erika Homoki Eszterházy Károly Catholic University Teacher Training Institute for Primary and Early Childhood Education


The aim of the research is to assess the effectiveness of sustainability and environmental education among the upper secondary school students in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Heves County. The survey was done with the help of an online questionnaire, which included both open and closed questions, and used selective, scale and own opinion-based response. The aim was to map students' attitudes which are based on environmental education at school and at home. As a result of the survey, we managed to get a momentary picture of the level of environmental attitudes of the future generation in the upper elementary school, together with its missing elements. The number of participants was 187. Lexical knowledge is stronger than its realization in practice. Students are more interested in environmental problems and are also informed, but environmentally conscious actions are not necessarily part of their daily lives.

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