Supervision and Optimization the Application of Manufacturing Resources with the Support of IoT Devices and Technologies
This study was conducted at a multinational furniture company, aligned with Industry 4.0 standards, where a cyber-physical system (CPS) was already implemented with its respective hardware and software components. The primary purpose of the CPS is to gather data on the consumption of production resources such as energy, water, and compressed air, and to oversee the operational processes within the company. Initially, data collection was solely focused on the energy utilization of the production machinery and the produced workpieces. However, over time, we have evolved the cyber-physical system to broaden the data collection spectrum. This expansion was imperative to encompass the energy and other related parameters of the production support equipment, alongside the water consumption metrics. The subsequent phase of the research delved into exploring avenues to foster energy-conscious work practices. With the activation of the analytical application, the financial ramifications of superfluous energy consumption could be ascertained, and the proficient functioning of the production machinery could be real-time monitored via computers stationed within the facilities. Consequently, this setup serves to motivate employees towards adopting more energy-efficient work habits.
Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences
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