Role of global environmental issues in Hungarian physics education

Keywords: környezeti nevelés; fizika tanítása; projekt alapú oktatás; XXI. századi kompetenciák (készségek) fejlesztése


The choice of topic was important to show that it is possible to do environmental physics in this few science lessons we have, while doing projects in class or outside of class. Projects that can be used and tested in secondary school’s physics lessons are presented, with environmental education as one of the objectives. An important feature of the projects is that they can be integrated into the physics curriculum and support the learning and use of modern skills. Examples of such skills include collaboration, internet awareness, data analysis, research approach and interdisciplinary thinking. The main aim of this article is to present some of the projects that have been tried out in physics lessons, which have been effective in raising environmental subjects and have also been used as motivational activities. As a result of the projects, an increase in students' motivation towards both physics and specific aspects of nature conservation was detected.

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