Development of telepresence technology during the teaching process at Subotica Tech
Nowadays industrial solutions in the field of mechatronics, often integrate the actuators with sensors and control units. This integration creates complex mechatronic devices. The complexity of these devices is evident, because this integration asks for communication between sensors, actuators and their control units, and also communication with external control units and sensors, as well as other actuators, and often humans. This integration of sensors, actuators, control units and communication technologies is nowadays often referred to as Industry 4.0. This research deals with the problem of developing a telepresence system at Subotica Tech as part of the teaching process, which introduces the main aspects of Industry 4.0. The problem is discussed by presenting a case study.
Copyright (c) 2018 Alkalmazott Műszaki és Pedagógiai tudományos folyóirat
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