How to present game management and hunting in the forest school

  • Norbert Domina Napkori Erdőgazdák Ltd.
Keywords: hunting; forest school; education; practice; experience; attitude


Hunting is negatively evaluated by the media and the society in the developed countries including Hungary. That is why it is essential to present the hunting from its real and positive side. This action is the most effective, considering the young generations, when hunting is presented in situ by committed professionals. One of the best places for natural education is the forest school. Every year 800-1000 youngsters, from kindergartens to universities, get acquainted with the relevance, importance and beauty of hunting in our institution. Having spent a week in the forest school, they think differently not only about hunting, but about wildlife management, conservation and natural issues, as well.

How to Cite
Domina, N. (2019). How to present game management and hunting in the forest school. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 9(3), 187-197.
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