Individuality, cooperation, community: a guideline for organizing open-air schools

  • Éva Klára Boros Vajtáné Erdei Iskola Egyesület
Keywords: open-air school, organizing open-air schools, methodology, problem solving proposals,the forms of educational organization, complex method, learning by experience, experiential education, sensitization, syllabus sample, manual for organization


According to my professional experiences, I observed that in many cases even the older colleges do not know the exact notion of the open-air schools. Besides that they also often lack the knowledge about the steps of the organisational process and many of the educators are not aware of the opportunities that the open-air schools have like the potential to build a strong community and to realize the hidden talents of the students. In my writing I intend to give a guidance and help for those who are interested in the topic of open-air schools and alternative educational methods.

How to Cite
Vajtáné, Éva K. B. (2019). Individuality, cooperation, community: a guideline for organizing open-air schools. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 9(3), 147-171.
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