Perspectives of Teachers and Parents on Parent-Teacher Communication and Social Media Communication
The study was designed to examine the perceptions of teachers and parents on Parent-Teacher communication (PTC) and integrating social media Communication (SSC). Many studies have been done in this area, but little is known about how the perceptions of parents couple with their educational level plays a role in accepting technology. The study aligned with the mix-methods in both data collection and analysis. The study was divided into two stages. Whereas the first stage collected qualitative data through interviews, the second stage collected quantitative data using a questionnaire. The data was presented using quotes from participants and both correlation and descriptive statistics in SPSS. The study used random, purposeful, and snowball sampling techniques to recruit the participants for the study. It was revealed that both teachers and parents in the Sagnerigu District of Ghana have a positive stand on PTC that is centered on children educational development. Parents educational level has no effect on parents’ perception on PTC, but parents educational level has a positive significant correlation with social media acceptance. further, the study presented barriers that hinder the integration of SSC. Finally, the study proposed Social Media Integration Trinity (SMIT) for organizations’ SSC integration
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