Review of the University Textbook Entitled “ Environmental and technical technology methodology -Methodology for sustainability” by István Lükő

  • Boglárka Szűcs Budapest
Keywords: professional methodology; modern technology; environmental education; sustainability


The university textbook entitled Environmental and Technology-Technology Professional Methodology - With Methodology for Sustainability, was published by Műszaki Könyvkiadó Kft in the autumn of 2020 It helps to prepare students majoring in general environment and technology, as well as environmental engineering teacher with general methodological knowledge, samples and procedures. In fact, it is a comprehensive work that is relevant to the wider professional interest and is also significant from the point of view of environmental education. It also discusses disciplinary, environmental sustainability and pedagogical aspects, with up-to-date methodological recommendations, in a practice-oriented approach.

How to Cite
Szűcs, B. (2021). Review of the University Textbook Entitled “ Environmental and technical technology methodology -Methodology for sustainability” by István Lükő. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 11(1), 175-181.
Reviews, Application Notes, Case Studies, Reports, Book Review