The Influence of Sex and Settlement Type on the Environmental Attitude

  • György Kónya Diósgyőri Gimnázium
Keywords: environmental education, settlement type, environmental attitude


The environmental attitude of students is affected by a number of different factors (place of living, family background, educational background of parents, etc.). These factors influence environmental attitude in different ways. This research focused on the effect of sex and settlement type on the environmental attitude of high school students. According to previous studies (Széplaki, 2004; Félonnea and Becker, 2008; Dietz et al., 2002; Hunter et al., 2004; Zelezny et al., 2000; Asunta, 2004; Michalos et al., 2004), girls and students living in the countryside have a better attitude (Cheng and Monroe, 2010; Konya, 2011). Based on these findings, the author presumed that girls and students living in small towns have a better environmental attitude. The methods schools use for shaping the environmental attitude of students do not differentiate between boys and girls. However, due to the worse environmental attitude of boys it would be wise to introduce new methods in order to improve boys' emotional attitude and behavior.

How to Cite
Kónya, G. (2018). The Influence of Sex and Settlement Type on the Environmental Attitude. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 8(3), 29-42.
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