The emergence of biodioversity knowledge elements and critical thinking in the current Biology education (in Hungary)

  • Éva Nagy Eszterházy Károly University
Keywords: species richness, advanced knowledge, curriculum content on species diversity


High school students are a valuable target group for whom we need to keep up-to-date environmental and nature conservation knowledge from which they can acquire real knowledge and lead to the issue of biodiversity as the basis of our existence. But will we teach them about the living thing knowing about the reconstruction techniques that you can save that can be saved? In this article I intend to summarize the results of content analysis, aimed at the updated content of the highly diverse topics of biodiversity in the framework curricula most frequently used in grades 10, 11 and 12 in secondary schools. The analysis extends to what exactly is currently considered to be a state of modern knowledge in racial diversity. It mentions the composition of the species prescribed by the framework curriculum, namely the exploration of the requirements of the knowledge to be acquired, the results obtained by means of the XXI. century environmental education can be successfully achieved.

How to Cite
Nagy, Éva. (2018). The emergence of biodioversity knowledge elements and critical thinking in the current Biology education (in Hungary). Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 8(3), 98-110.
Articles and Studies