Methodology tools in forest school and their impact on the development of ecological identity

  • Adrien Réka Kopasz Eszterházy Károly University
Keywords: forest school, environmental education, pedagogical goals, methodological tools, attitude measurement


The negative effects of the global environmental crisis on all people and it’s coincidence with the downward slope of science education make the review of educational and educational methods relevant and timely. These underpin the development of science-based competencies as well as environmentally consciousness. In my doctoral research, I analyze the various accredited forest school programs.

Total count of samples N = 15, where I look at 5-5 types from the programs of national parks, forestries and other forest schools. In order to analyze the change in environmental attitudes, I study a class in a forest school program before the program and directly after the program with a questionnaire method.

According to my initial hypotheses, the prevalence of environmental and nature conservation behavior among participating students is increasing as a result of forest school programs. Among the three types of forestry schools (forestry, national park, private and public education), the objectives of accredited forest school programs in forestry and national parks include specific content that fits in with the profile of the upholder, not with programs run by private companies and public education institutions. Methodological diversity is more visible in the forest school programs of public education institutions than in other cases.

In my study I show if and how the measurement results support the hypotheses. The results of the tests help to identify the directions for updating the environmental education.

How to Cite
Kopasz, A. R. (2019). Methodology tools in forest school and their impact on the development of ecological identity. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 9(3), 91-116.
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