Educate students in teacher training to sustainable consumption through the life cycle examination of an e-device

  • Katalin Hill Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education
  • Veronika Fülöp ELTE Faculty of Primary and Pre-school Education
Keywords: sustainable consumption; smartphone; life cycle analysis


Sustainability is a highly complex, interdisciplinary field of education. Therefore, in the case of sustainability education in teacher training, it is especially important that students shall be able to see the natural, social and economic problems and challenges of sustainability, the possible solution of the problems and the causal relationships in a system. This is the only way to prepare them for providing children with quality education regarding sustainability education. In this study, our purpose is to demonstrate how the life cycle of smartphones as an e-product can contribute to an effective education of sustainability and the development of a complex approach of students. Besides, our purpose is to present the obtained results of a student survey related to smartphones. The questionnaire is supposed to answer the following questions: How do students appear in the consumer market as smartphone users? Whether the problem of planned and moral obsolescence appeared? What are their consumer attitudes towards smartphones? Is the device used in a conscious, environmentally-friendly way? Are students aware of the environmental, social and economic impacts of e-devices’ life stages?  The study presents the conclusions drawn from the results of the survey.

Author Biography

Veronika Fülöp, ELTE Faculty of Primary and Pre-school Education

ELTE Faculty of Primary and Pre-school Education


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How to Cite
Hill, K., & Fülöp, V. (2020). Educate students in teacher training to sustainable consumption through the life cycle examination of an e-device. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 10(2), 103-128.
Articles and Studies