Pozitív pszichológia az iskolában az ERASDG projekt Innovation camp eseménye kapcsán
This study demonstrates the effect of positive psychology in the school, as well as the possibility of competence development in vocational education through the ERASDG project. The study pays special attention to the idea that positive psychology places the emphasis on the strengths of the individual and on discovering virtues. This study evaluates the ERASDG project’s innovation Camp event and the incorporation of positive psychology in the initiative. Based on the findings of my study it can be stated that the project develops language skills, as well as creativity and problem-solving skills. Communication is also developed by the project because on the one hand, students need to communicate effectively with each other, as well as with teachers. At the same time, it also develops external communication, given that the participants also had to contact external bodies in the course of the project.
Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences
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