The Comparative Analysis of the Biological Diversity in Schools

  • Éva Nagy Eszterházy Károly Egyetem Földrajz és Környezettudományi Intézet, 3300 Eger, Eszterházy tér 1.
Keywords: concept of biodiversity, biodiversity in public education, nursery schools, kindergarten, primary schools, biodiversity in secondary education, new methods


The living nature is an incomparable treasure, an ever-changing unique world. Its priceless value lies in the appearance of its plant and animal species. Today newer and newer terrestrial and aquatic creatures are born and there is no such human mind that is able to memorise all of them existing in the world. However, what is directly perceptible from them exists only a short distance away. Could we see, or is it possible to show the real face of these remarkable aspects? Do we give or could we give the young generation enough to taste the real life of the actual world, attracting their attention to sustainability? Do we spend or are we able to spend enough time with our students getting acquainted with all animal and plant species, which appear directly around us? In other words, is there or to what extent does preservation of a considerably significant issue, the biodiversity exists factually in today's public education? The study summarizes methods that nowadays serve the teaching of species diversity and attempt to sum up the institutions where they are used.

How to Cite
Nagy, Éva. (2017). The Comparative Analysis of the Biological Diversity in Schools. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 7(4), 62-78.
Articles and Studies